During the 10th ICBE Consultation in July 2019, Mark Watan (Igorot UK) facilitated a Cultural Workshop. The participants learned the basics of Igorot dances and they could have learned more were it not for time constraints. During the Cultural Night, they had little time for community dancing.
Fast forward to January 2020 and Cordillera Community in Belgium (Cordi Bel) and MABIKAs Foundation-The Netherlands are initiating a Cultural Workshop to know more of the concepts and principles of Igorot dances. As in the July 2019 Cultural Workshop, they would also like to learn dances of other ethnolinguistic groups of the Philippine Cordillera.
Through communications between Cordi Bel and MABIKAs, they decided to hold a Cultural Workshop in Brussels, Belgium on May 23rd 2020. Aside from the participants coming from Belgium and the Netherlands, they will invite compatriots from other countries in Europe. Hence, Cordi-Bel and MABIKAs Foundation are the main organizers of this cultural workshop and weekend getaway in Belgium.
1. To know and grasp the principles and concepts of Igorot dances.
2. To learn dances of some ethnolinguistic groups in the Cordillera.
3. To network with Igorot Cordillerans from other countries in Europe.
4. To celebrate our culture with community dancing.
5. To enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of another city (for participants from the Netherlands).
Interested individuals from Cordi Bel, MABIKAs Foundation, and other Igorot/Cordillera/BIBAK organizations in Europe.

May 23, 2020 (Saturday)
9:00 – 9:45 – Registration and coffee/tea (for the registration fee, participants can pay ahead although some may request to pay on site).
9:45 -10:00 – Briefing on the day’s activity to include schedule.
10:00 – 10:30 – Introductions
10:30 – 12:00 – The Igorot Dance: Principles and Concepts by Mark Watan*, Resource Speaker & Cultural Trainer
*Mark gave this lecture at the SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) University of London in 2019.
12:00 – 13:30 – Lunch break
13:30 – 17:00 – Learning to play the gongs, learning dances of some Cordillera ethnolinguistic groups, community dancing
17:00 – 17:15 – Verbal Evaluation
17:15 – 17:30 – Closing Remarks to include Acknowledgments.
17:30 – 18:00 – Cleaning up by All.
Program ends at 18:00 hours. The participants will take care of their dinner in the city. It will also be an opportunity to see Brussels by night.
To be determined c/o Cordi-Bel. Will keep you posted!
Participants will take care of their accommodation. Will keep you posted on list recommended hostels to stay as soon as the exact venue for the workshop is ready.
For further inquiries, please contact any of the event coordinators.
Cordi-Bel: Ric Cuyob, email: cordi.bel@gmail.com
MABIKAs Foundation: Yvonne Belen & Christina Moncado, email: mabikasfoundation@gmail.com
To cover cost of venue, lunch, and snacks, among others, please be informed of the following registration fees:
Adults aged 13 and above: €20 per person
Children aged 6-12 yrs: €10 per person
Free for children below 6yrs old.