News. Blog. Interviews. Speeches. Resources.
MABIKAs celebrates 1yr of togetherness

MABIKAs celebrates 1yr of togetherness

From the eight pioneers who met up on the 3rd of September 2016 to about 30 Igorots who came together on the 2nd of September 2017, it is apparent that this newly formed community of indigenous people from the Philippine Cordillera region has come a long way…

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MABIKAs First 5-year plan

MABIKAs First 5-year plan

Creating a 5 year plan can pay dividends for where you end up after that time. It helps to create focus on what your priorities are. It helps you say no to things that won’t help you reach your goals. It shows you where you need to change things, what’s possible etc…. so you don’t end up overwhelmed and unable to achieve it all… and yes, you’re more likely to achieve what you want if you are planning to get there…

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MABIKAs organizational structure in the making

MABIKAs organizational structure in the making

MABIKAs Foundation is currently at its early stage of development. Our minds are determined to push through and achieve the vision, mission and goals that we have set our minds to do. With enough resources, including human resources, we aim to get ourselves...

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Cultural Roots: why it still matters even when you’ve moved on

Cultural Roots: why it still matters even when you’ve moved on

December 10, 2016 marked a historical day for the indigenous people like me from the Philippine Cordillera region (also known as Igorots) who are now living in the Netherlands. Forty of us, including our European loved ones, gathered that day for the first time to reminisce our ethnic origin…

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Logo of MABIKAs Foundation explained

Logo of MABIKAs Foundation explained

The MABIKAs Foundation logo is a 3 layered circular logo with the outer most layer forming 6 rays to represent the six provinces that constitutes the Philippine Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). Each element, including colors and positioning symbolize and...

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